Authentication and API tokens

This page explains how to create Appclacks API token and the supported methods to authenticate against the API.

We recommend you to follow the getting started section that explains how to install and configure the Appclacks CLI before reading this documentation.

Authentication on Appclacks

An API token is needed to authenticate against Appclacks. The getting started section explains how to use the appclacks login CLI command to create your first token.

Creating additional tokens

Tokens can be created using the CLI. To do so, you should:

  • Define two environment variables containing your Appclacks account email and password: export APPCLACKS_ACCOUNT_EMAIL='<your_account_email' and export APPCLACKS_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD='<your_account_password'.
  • You can run the appclacks account organization command to validate that authentication is working.
  • Create a new API token with the command appclacks token create, for example appclacks token create --name "admin".

By default, tokens have a time to live (TTL) of 72 hours. After this period, the token will be expired and not work anymore. You can set a custom TTL for your token by setting the --ttl flag, where the value is a number of seconds, minutes of hours, for example:

  • --ttl 10000h: the token expires after 10 000 hours.
  • --ttl 60m: the token expires in 60 minutes.
  • --ttl 10s: the token expires in 10 seconds.

** Tokens permissions**

You can attach permissions to API tokens to only allow some actions when used. The --permission flag can be used (and repeated) on the appclacks token create command to configure permissions.

The support permissions are:

  • *: Enable all API calls
  • GetOrganization: Get information about your organization
  • ListAPITokens: List API tokens
  • GetAPIToken: Get information about a specific API token
  • DeleteAPIToken: Delete API tokens
  • GetHealthcheck: Get information about a specific API token
  • CreateHealthcheck: Create health checks
  • DeleteHealthcheck: Delete health checks
  • UpdateHealthcheck: Update health checks
  • ListHealthchecks: List health checks
  • ListHealthchecksResults: List health checks results
  • GetHealthchecksMetrics: Get health checks metrics. See the Metrics and Prometheus integration guide.
  • CabourotteDiscovery: Cabourotte discovery endpoint. See the Appclacks on your private infrastructure guide.

Authenticating on the API

Appclacks CLI and tooling supports several authentication methods once you have a token

Appclacks configuration file

This file is automatically created by the appclacks login command but can also be edited manually. The file is available at the path $HOME/.config/appclacks/appaclacks.yaml on Linux, (see this Golang function for other platforms).

This is a commented example of the configuration file format:

# default profile used by the CLI
default-profile: my-profile
    # profile name
        # Your Appclacks organization ID
        organization-id: 5a062154-dc9f-11ed-9cd1-673503b45134
        # Your API token
        api-token: <api_token>

Profiles allows you to configure multiple configuration methods. The Appclacks CLI supports a --profile parameter to select the profile to use. The APPCLACKS_PROFILE environment variable can also be used to switch between profiles.

Appclacks environment variables

Set the APPCLACKS_ORGANIZATION_ID environment variable to your organization ID, and the APPCLACKS_TOKEN environment variable to your token value. These variables will override the configuration file if they exist.

Managing tokens

The appclacks token list and appclacks token get --id <token_id> commmands can be used to list tokens.

You can delete tokens by ID by using appclacks token delete --id <token_id> command.